4 Smile-Friendly Tips for Getting Through Halloween with Invisalign

October 4, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dentistintulsa @ 5:41 pm
a woman smiling with straight teeth during Halloween

Have you recently started your Invisalign treatment? Now that it’s close to Halloween, you might be wondering how you should go about the spooky season while undergoing your orthodontic process. Fortunately, with the right measures, you shouldn’t have anything to worry about! Read on to learn four Invisalign-friendly tips for getting through Halloween while staying on track with straightening your smile.

Tip #1: Eat Candy with your Lunch or Dinner

Since you’ll need to spend 20-22 hours a day with your clear aligners, it’s a good idea to enjoy some of your favorite candies while eating regular food. Not only will this reduce how often you need to remove your trays, but the increased saliva production during your meals can help naturally wash away food particles and residue. This can minimize your risk of decay and cavities that can develop from munching on sugary treats throughout the month.

Tip #2: Be Careful with the Candy You Indulge In

It’s important to know that some candies are more harmful to your smile than others, such as lollipops and other hard sweets. One wrong bite and you can end up with a chipped or cracked tooth. Other candies can even increase your chance of developing cavities due to long exposure to sugar. Luckily, you can enjoy other, smile-friendly options that are safer in the long run, such as dark chocolate, which consists of antioxidants and is easier to rinse from your teeth.

Tip #3: Make Sure to Eat Nutrient-Dense Foods

While it’s okay to enjoy candy in moderation, you don’t want the rest of your diet to consist solely of other sugary foods and drinks like ice cream and soda. To reduce your risk of getting cavities, make sure to implement more nutrient-dense options like dairy products, lean meats, and vegetables into your meals. This can help keep your teeth and gums healthy and safe while enjoying the spooky season.

Tip #4: Avoid Eating or Drinking Anything But Water with Your Aligners On

Of course, one of the most important things is to not eat or drink anything while wearing your Invisalign trays (except for pure water). Doing so can end up staining your trays or even damaging them, causing you to need additional aligners to continue your process. That’s why you’ll need to remove your Invisalign before enjoying any meals, including Halloween candies.

Keeping up with your orthodontic treatment shouldn’t feel like a hassle during the Halloween season. Stick to these tips, and you should be free to enjoy the holiday spirit while keeping your teeth safe and healthy!

About the Author

Dr. Stephanie Flinchum offers dental services focused on understanding her patients to help them create the smiles they deserve. She earned her dental doctorate from the University of Kentucky and is certified in various areas of dentistry, including Invisalign. If you wish to straighten your smile or want to know more about navigating the spooky season with your aligners, visit her website or call her at 918-949-4450.

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